IATSE New England Local Contact Info

Rev. 10-2024

IATSE Locals in the New England area servicing theatre, live event, and concert venues may need additional crew. See below to find contact information to put your name on the various Local's overhire lists.

Local 11 Stagehands

Boston, Lynn, Salem, Waltham, Brockton, Plymouth, and Cape Cod, MA

Mary Abreau callsteward@iatse11.org

Local 53 Stagehands

Springfield & Pittsfield, MA

Email the BA Mike Afflitto agent53@comcast.net

Include: Contact info and Resume/Entertainment industry experience summary

Local 96 Stagehands

Worcester, MA

Email the BA Tim Murphy tmurphy@iatse96.org

Local 114 Stagehands

Portland, Lewiston, Augusta, and Bangor, ME

Email the BA Devon Medeiros businessagent@ia114.com

Local 195 Stagehands

Lowell, MA / NH

BA Steven Kocsis business@iatse195.org

Use the Overhire List Request form on their website: iatse195.org

Local 232 Stagehands

Northampton & Amherst, MA

Email your resume to BA Cathleen O'Keefe ba.iatselocal232@gmail.com

Local 775 Theatrical Wardrobe Union

Boston, MA area

Email the BA Kimberly Delano kimwardrobe775@comcast.net

Include: Contact information and Specific skill sets (ages/dyer, stitcher, etc.)

Local 919 Stagehands

Burlington, VT / Hanover & Lebanon, NH

Email the BA Avery Bacon ba.local919@gmail.com

Include: Phone Number, Location, Availability, and a bit about skillset and experience

Contact Us

Send IATSE 481 a message.

IATSE Local 481
10 Tower Office Park Suite 218
Woburn, MA 01801

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